CHESS LESSONS by THE CODGER Explore Chess with a guide with 50 years of experience CHESS LESSONS by THE CODGER


Chess is a mental exercise to help sharpen many analytical skills

Learning to develop your pieces as a team helps create leadership concepts

Great players are developed from a young age

Imagination is just as important as concrete calculation!


Start Your Journey Today!

Young or Old!
Start Your Journey Today
Into the World of Kings, Queens, Knights and Bishops!!!!

Bruce Perrotta (aka The Codger) Has played many, many games of chess since learning to play 50 years ago. Endlessly facinating, chess brings many players into a journey that not only gives much enjoyment during play, but creates so many other benefits for all!
Playing chess has been proven in studies to improve and strengthen our mental capabilities in young and old alike. Whether calculating moves ahead or determining the value of each move, we learn to respect the decision process and make it a part of of every day life. Each game, in and of itself is an enjoyable pastime but adds so much to other aspects of our lives. On top of the mental aspects of the game, there is the simple fact that you travel anywhere in the world and the rules of chess are the same. Whether you speak the local language is not pertinent if you speak "chess"!

Bruce Perrotta learned the game of chess in the late 60's, becoming a "Fischer Kid" during the 70's. In high school, he easily captured the team championships and represented his school until graduating in 1976.
He taught some of his fellow students to play and improve in their games during this time and enjoyed sharing his joy of the game with others. Although life has sent him in many directions career-wise, he has never strayed far from chess.
In addition to chess, Bruce has played semi-pro football and is also now a dance instructor. His understanding of working with body and mind to create the best you makes him a unique choice in mentoring young students about chess and life in general. His enthusiasism for life and the activities he teaches are contagious and he hopes that each of his students enjoy the time with him enough to "pass it forward" to others!
Please contact Bruce with any questions you may have regarding his instruction and schedule. Rates to teach you are reasonable and you will find yourself participating in discussions about your goals and how we may accomplish them.

Bruce with his wife, Beth

Phone: 954-464-9210




Problem solving skills are honed in the game of chess

Size really doesn't matter!

Chess is played everywhere in the world

Chess is enjoyed by all ages!